This is who we are. Undoubtedly God has created each and every one of us for a specific reason. We believe that God has put together this church one person at a time. This page is dedicated to sharing who we are as a church and who are are as individuals. We want you to feel as welcome as possible. If you have any questions at all feel free to click here to reach out to us.
We believe that Jesus extends grace to everyone and that we should follow in his steps. Who are we to pass judgment and not extend grace, when we ourselves have sinned. We believe we should love the sinner, not banish them.
We believe that Jesus is central to everything. We believe that prayer is a direct line to God, and that we should speak to Him every chance we get. Worship is our chance to praise God and we take joy in doing so.
We are called to join in fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We believe that reaching out to the lost and engaging with them will strengthen our bond with each other through God.
Jesus called us to go out and spread the word of God. We believe that this is not done enough. We make it a priority to go outside of the church walls to reach the lost and broken. We hope that you will join us in doing so.
We would love to give you a cup of coffee on us. Stop by our fellowship hall to enjoy a free cup of coffee and a donut.
We started with a small group of people who came together out of a shared desire to create a different kind of church—a church that was not defined by a specific place or a specific gathering time, but by a group of people living out the truth of God’s Word by modeling grace, and by loving and serving others. This is one reason we say “it's all about love.” We strive to move away from traditions, just because that's the way it always been done, and, instead, moving by the Spirit.
Part of our journey has included meeting in the pastor's home, other church buildings, and a hotel. We believe that WE are the church.
Established in August of 2004; weekly bible study held in pastor's living room
Moved into third home on Washington Avenue, which was subsequently inundated by the flood waters of Hurricane Katrina
Returned after the devastation; service initially held in the Grand Palace Hotel and later on St. Claude Avenue. Established youth ministry
Service held at The Word Ministries
Expanded to the historic Sixth Union Baptist Church building in Treme
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